From The President ...


President's Message

Dear Residents, Business and Community Members:

On behalf of the Torrance Police Officers Association and on behalf of our entire membership, we welcome you to our new and improved website. Our entire mission is to serve and to protect the City of Torrance with respect and dignity, and to be able to communicate with our citizens to defend their lives, property and rights. We hope that by visiting this website, you will be able to see the many great things that the members of our Association do and are involved in on a daily basis.

With an ever evolving fast paced, technologically advanced era, we are trying to better our communications and give you a way to help us reach our citizens with this interactive website. Most importantly, we want to keep the public and our members up to date and informed of what is going on in our Association and our Police Department.

As you will discover, our Association involves itself in many charitable organizations, as well as departmental activities as it relates to our youth and our continued advancement to safety and training. We are a 501(c)(4) non-profit and contribute yearly to youth groups, YMCA, senior citizens groups and many more. We are extremely proud of the various community, regional, state and national charities who benefit from our support and involvement and hope that you will want to align yourself with us in our charitable efforts in the future.

Our Association is actively involved with local politics as it relates directly to not only our members and their best interests, but most especially the public’s interests. We support any laws and legislation that further enable our officers to do their duty to the public of keeping the citizens of Torrance as safe as possible.

Please take a few moments of your time to review this website and feel free to make any comments which you feel may help us to improve its content or to make it easier to navigate.

Again, we thank you for your interest and support. We look forward to working together to continue to make our City safe and prosperous for all.

Best Regards,

Sandoval's Signature

Marc Sandoval, Torrance POA President